Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Comparative National Security_M3A1 - Effects of National Demographics, Economics, and Resources on National Security

Comparative National Security_M3A1 - Effects of National Demographics, Economics, and Resources on National Security

Q In this module you are required to write a 5-8 page (not including the cover and reference pages) position paper thoroughly discussing the material presented during the week. APA citations are expected, an abstract is not. The readings and learning activities in this module introduce you to the role of demography, economics, and resources in a nation's national security. For this, and all position paper assignments, it is crucial to base your opinions and arguments on research. To write your paper, follow these steps: 1. Choose a nation other than your own (i.e. Iran, China, Ghana, Russia) or an area of the world (i.e. Middle East, Eastern Europe, Asia) 2. Describe the demography of that nation or area of the world (population density, young versus old, men versus women, etc.) 3. Discuss the labor force of that nation or area of the world (unskilled and uneducated versus middle-class professionals etc.) 4. How would you access resources which that nation or area of the world does and does not naturally possess? 5. How do you describe that nation’s wealth? What does "rich" mean there? What does "poor" mean there? How do you describe economic disparity in that country or area of the world?

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China is the chosen country for this paper. China can be considered to be a populous country in East Asia that includes lakes, desert, and coastline of greater than fourteen thousand kilometer, mountains, grassland, and river in their massive landscape. There is a blend of modern architecture with historical and old places such as complex palace of Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square by Beijing.